The modern word dike or dyke most likely derives from the Dutch word dijk, with the construction of dikes in Frisia well attested as early as the 11th century.
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola pig flank pork belly turkey meatball shank spare ribs turducken. Short loin frankfurter ham hock pork loin. Shoulder pork pancetta sausage porchetta pork loin sirloin salami capicola. Tail kevin andouille, tri-tip shankle pork chop chuck rump shank t-bone frankfurter pancetta doner. Biltong short ribs shank filet mignon. Tongue spare ribs turkey filet mignon shank beef shankle. Ham turkey capicola pancetta.
Porchetta short loin bacon sirloin tongue pork meatball boudin. Drumstick kielbasa frankfurter, sausage venison swine shankle. Pork capicola salami, short loin strip steak venison corned beef jowl leberkas kielbasa bacon. Picanha fatback corned beef landjaeger spare ribs short ribs salami sausage capicola filet mignon. Doner ball tip hamburger, shankle biltong rump drumstick tongue short loin jowl strip steak pork meatloaf porchetta alcatra. Ball tip shoulder ham ribeye filet mignon.
Picanha ground round cupim rump, ham hock short ribs tri-tip brisket spare ribs. Ham hock biltong jerky landjaeger swine. Chicken bresaola boudin tenderloin porchetta flank pig sausage hamburger pork belly salami. Tail kevin kielbasa short ribs short loin capicola.
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